Corporate Governance

Corporate governance statement

The board (bestuur) (the “Board”) of Corre Energy B.V. (the “Company”) recognises the importance of maintaining good corporate governance and has chosen to apply the Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code, issued in April 2018 (the “QCA Code”). The Company discloses in this corporate governance statement (the “Corporate Governance Statement”) (and shall within its annual report and accounts disclose) how it complies with the QCA Code and, where it departs from the QCA Code, explains the reasons for doing so. The Company will review this information annually in accordance with the requirements of Euronext Growth Rules: Rulebook II, 5.26.

The Corporate Governance Statement was last reviewed and adopted by the Board on 4 December 2023.

The Corporate Governance Statement describes the Company’s corporate governance arrangements including the application of the principles of the QCA Code.

Corporate Governance Statement


Board and committee independence

The QCA Guidelines recommend that the board of directors should include a balance of executive and non-executive directors, such that no individual or group of individuals can dominate the board’s decision making. In the case of a smaller company, such as the Company, the QCA Guidelines recommends that the board should include at least two non-executive directors who are independent.

Given the size and stage of development of the Group, the Board has decided, at this stage, not to establish an audit and risk, nomination committee or a remuneration committee. Relevant decisions in relation to nomination or remuneration matters are considered by the Board as a whole as appropriate and subject to any relevant conflict of interest procedures.

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